Our Beliefs
Our Statement of Faith
The short version...
We are a community within an ongoing story. This true story is told in the Bible, which is the inspired word of God. It reveals the unfolding of God’s relationship with humanity and the world, centred on Jesus Christ.
In the beginning, God created the world and made human beings for relationship with himself. But humanity turned away from God, severing their relationship with him and bringing upon themselves his judgement. In spite of their rejection, out of his great love God continued to pursue humanity and put in place a plan to restore their relationship with him and one another. This plan began with Abraham, continued with Israel, and climaxed with Jesus of Nazareth who reconciled humanity and all creation to God through his life, death and resurrection.
Now God is working through those who accept his offer of reconciliation to restore his original intent for people and creation. This will culminate in a renewed world when Jesus returns, in which God’s relationship with his people will finally be perfected.
Through Jesus we have been drawn into this unfolding narrative. In this story we find our identity as individuals and as a church. It shapes how we see the world and how we live within it as a community of faith, hope and love.